What You Should Know About Port Charlotte

Port Charlotte is an unincorporated organized neighborhood in Charlotte County, Florida. This neighborhood covers an area of 32.3-square miles, with a population of over 70,000 residents. The neighborhood borders Charlotte Harbor Estuary to the south and Tampa to the north. A majority of the population in Port Charlotte live in their own homes. The number of young professionals is lower than old and retired professionals. Although it is considered the best retirement place in Florida, the neighborhood offers the best environment for history enthusiasts and students. The neighborhood is close to museums and other historical sites. Here are some popular museums near Port Charlotte. Click here for facts about City of Port Charlotte, FL.

Military Heritage Museum

This museum is the best destination if you want to learn about wars and the history of the military. A variety of items are displayed including photos, rifles, and uniforms used in different wars. Also, the museum offers guided tours of different stations with historical significance such as unique rifles used by specific veterans. Admission to this museum is free. Click here to read about Learn About Florida Through Art in Venice.

Muscle Car City

Learn about the history of the motor vehicle industry in this museum. The museum displays a wide collection of muscle cars developed over the past years. The museum is one of the largest muscle car collections in the country.

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